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Member benefits

8 Great Reasons to Be a Member

1. Connection:  Daily conference calls (7am Mon-Fri) that provide a safe space for spiritual support, encouragement, and prayer to uplift you.

2. DIVAS Empowerment Weekend: The twice yearly DIVAS Empowerment Weekend Event provides spiritual uplift, quality education and networking, and you receive a SIGNIFICANT discount by being a member.   .

3.  Informational Updates: DIVAS keeps members in touch with each other and informed of current events, new job opportunities, and other information to enhance your business and professional development.  DIVAS members have access to the DIVAS web site, private Facebook Group and What's App, email updates and member newsletters.  

4. Networking: You have many opportunities to network with other like-minded women in our region and  across the country, building your contacts, sharing ideas, best practices and solutions to enhance your life and career.  Networking events range from twice yearly conferences to monthly networking  meetings.  DIVAS members and their business will also be included in the DIVAS member directory.  

5. Discounts on Events and Products: You receive reduced registration fees at all DIVAS events and discounts on all DIVAS merchandise.

6. Leadership Opportunities: You are provided opportunities to learn and practice leadership and project management skills that you may need for your resume, professional growth or self-promotion.  Opportunities are available on several committees and special projects.

7. Recognition:  We celebrate  YOU!  We periodically target a member-owned business and recognize that member and her business for its successful achievements.

8. Empowerment: You are part of a larger community.  You are empowered to get involved in issues that affect you, your family, and your community.

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